PowerTools MultiRow for Windows Forms 8.0J
IconNotify コンストラクタ()

Public Function New()
public IconNotify()
次のサンプルコードは、IncludeListValidatorを使用して、入力値が"null, 2, 3, 4, 5"のリストの中に含まれているかどうかを検証します。Cellに「1」と入力して別のセルに移動すると、検証が失敗したことを示すエラーアイコングリフがポップアップします。同じセルに「2」と入力して別のセルに移動した場合は、検証が成功し、エラーアイコングリフは表示されません。このサンプルコードは、CellValidatorに示されている詳細なコード例の一部を抜粋したものです。
void setIncludeListValidator_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Template template = Template.CreateGridTemplate(1);

    IncludeListValidator includeListValidator = new IncludeListValidator();
    includeListValidator.Candidates = new string[] { null, "2", "3", "4", "5" };

    IconNotify iconNotify = new IconNotify();
    iconNotify.IconAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
    iconNotify.IconTip = "The editing value is not within the specified candidate list!";
    //When CurrentCell move to another Cell, the action will be done.
    iconNotify.DoActionReason = ValidateReasons.CellValidating;



    this.gcMultiRow1.Template = template;
    label.Text = "The IncludeListValidator.Candidates list is 'null,2,3,4,5', please input 1 in edit mode, then move CurrentCell to another Cell to trigger validation(DoActionReason is CellValidating), one error icon will pop up to notify you validation failed.";
Private Sub setIncludeListValidator_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles setIncludeListValidator.Click
    Dim template As Template = template.CreateGridTemplate(1)

    Dim includeListValidator As New IncludeListValidator()
    includeListValidator.Candidates = New String() {Nothing, "2", "3", "4", "5"}

    Dim iconNotify As New IconNotify()
    iconNotify.IconAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter
    iconNotify.IconTip = "The editing value is not within the specified candidate list!"
    'When CurrentCell move to another Cell, the action will be done.
    iconNotify.DoActionReason = ValidateReasons.CellValidating



    Me.gcMultiRow1.Template = template
    label.Text = "The IncludeListValidator.Candidates list is 'null,2,3,4,5', please input 1 in edit mode, then move CurrentCell to another Cell to trigger validation(DoActionReason is CellValidating), one error icon will pop up to notify you validation failed."
End Sub

IconNotify クラス
IconNotify メンバ



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