PowerTools MultiRow for Windows Forms 8.0J
CellValidator クラス
メンバ  使用例 

Cellの値を検証して指定された条件を満たすかどうか確認し、検証が失敗した場合はCellValidateActionアクションを実行できる機能を提供します。このクラスは抽象 (Visual BasicではMustInherit)クラスなので、インスタンス化できません。
Public MustInherit Class CellValidator 
   Implements INamedObject 
public abstract class CellValidator : INamedObject  




using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Drawing;

namespace GrapeCity.Win.MultiRow.SampleCode
    class CellValidatorDemo:Form
        private GcMultiRow gcMultiRow1 = new GcMultiRow();
        private FlowLayoutPanel panel = new FlowLayoutPanel();

        public CellValidatorDemo()
            this.Text = "CellValidator Demo";
            this.Size = new Size(660, 300);

            // Initial flow layout panel and add to form.
            this.panel.Dock = DockStyle.Left;
            this.panel.Size = new Size(200, 200);
            this.panel.FlowDirection = FlowDirection.TopDown;
            this.panel.WrapContents = false;
            this.panel.Padding = new Padding(5);
            this.panel.AutoSize = true;

            // Add MultiRow to form
            this.gcMultiRow1.Dock = DockStyle.Left;
            this.gcMultiRow1.Width = 400;

            label.Height = 50;
            label.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom;
            label.BackColor = SystemColors.Info;
            label.Text = "Please Click one button to add one CellValidator and set one CellValidateAction.";

            this.Load += new EventHandler(Form1_Load);


            this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;

        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            gcMultiRow1.Template = Template.CreateGridTemplate(1);
            gcMultiRow1.RowCount = 5;
        #region Button Event Handlers
        void setRangeValidator_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Template template = Template.CreateGridTemplate(1);

            //Create one RangeValidator to vaidate whether the committed value is between one range.
            RangeValidator rangValidator = new RangeValidator();
            //You should set the RequiredType first, then set other Properties.
            rangValidator.RequiredType = typeof(int);
            rangValidator.MinValue = 5;
            rangValidator.MaxValue = 10;
            rangValidator.NullIsValid = false;

            LineNotify lineNotifyAction = new LineNotify();
            //When you ends edit mode, the action will be done.(press Enter key commonly)
            lineNotifyAction.DoActionReason = ValidateReasons.EndEdit;
            lineNotifyAction.LineColor = Color.Red;



            this.gcMultiRow1.Template = template;
            label.Text = "The RangeValidator's MinValue is 5, MaxValue is 10, input 4(not between the range) in one Cell, press Enter key to trigger validation(DoActionReason is EndEdit), one red under line will be shown.";

        void setRequiredTypeValidator_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Template template = Template.CreateGridTemplate(1);

            RequiredTypeValidator requiredTypeValidator = new RequiredTypeValidator();
            requiredTypeValidator.RequiredType = typeof(decimal);

            TipNotify tipNotify = new TipNotify();
            tipNotify.ToolTipIcon = ToolTipIcon.Warning;
            tipNotify.ToolTipSpan = 6000;
            tipNotify.ToolTipTitle = "Requird Type Error";
            tipNotify.ToolTipText = "The original value is not Decimal type";
            //When you escape edit mode, the acion will be done(press ESC key commonly)
            tipNotify.DoActionReason = ValidateReasons.CancelEdit;

            //When cancel edit, this value will be validated.
            template.Row.Cells[0].Value = "I'm string type";

            this.gcMultiRow1.Template = template;
            label.Text = "The RequiredTypeValidator's RequiredType is decimal type,by default, the cell's value is 'I'm string type', if you enter edit mode and input any value, then press ESC to escape edit mode to trigger validation(DoActionReason is CancelEdit), the old default value will be validated, it is not a Decimal type value, so validation failed.";

        void setIncludeListValidator_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Template template = Template.CreateGridTemplate(1);

            IncludeListValidator includeListValidator = new IncludeListValidator();
            includeListValidator.Candidates = new string[] { null, "2", "3", "4", "5" };

            IconNotify iconNotify = new IconNotify();
            iconNotify.IconAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
            iconNotify.IconTip = "The editing value is not within the specified candidate list!";
            //When CurrentCell move to another Cell, the action will be done.
            iconNotify.DoActionReason = ValidateReasons.CellValidating;



            this.gcMultiRow1.Template = template;
            label.Text = "The IncludeListValidator.Candidates list is 'null,2,3,4,5', please input 1 in edit mode, then move CurrentCell to another Cell to trigger validation(DoActionReason is CellValidating), one error icon will pop up to notify you validation failed.";

        void setRegularExpressionValidator_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Template template = Template.CreateGridTemplate(1);

            RegularExpressionValidator regularExpressionValidator = new RegularExpressionValidator();
            //Define a regular expression for currency values.
            regularExpressionValidator.Expression = @"^-?\d+(\.\d{2})?$";
            regularExpressionValidator.RegexOptions = System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.CultureInvariant;

            FocusProcess focusProcess = new FocusProcess();
            focusProcess.PreventFocusLeave = true;
            //When CurrentCell move to another Row, the action will be done.
            focusProcess.DoActionReason = ValidateReasons.RowValidating;



            this.gcMultiRow1.Template = template;
            label .Text = @"The RegularExpressionValidator.Expression is '^-?\d+(\.\d{2})?$', which expresses one currency value, input '-!2.05', then move CurrentCell to another Row to trigger validation(DoActionReasion is RowValidating), You will find the focus cannot move out, input '-12.05',the focus can move to another Row.";

        void setPairCharValidator_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Template template = Template.CreateGridTemplate(1);

            PairCharValidator pairCharValidator = new PairCharValidator();
            pairCharValidator.PairChars.Add(new PairChar('(', ')'));

            CellStyleNotify cellStyleNotify = new CellStyleNotify();
            cellStyleNotify.InvalidCellStyle.ForeColor = Color.Red;
            cellStyleNotify.InvalidCellStyle.Font = new Font(DefaultFont, FontStyle.Bold);
            cellStyleNotify.DoActionReason = ValidateReasons.EditedFormattedValueChanged;



            this.gcMultiRow1.Template = template;
            label.Text = "The PairCharValidator.PairChars is '( )', in edit mode, if you input '2*(3+4' to trigger validation, validation failed, the font will change, if input '2*(3+4)' to trigger validation, the validation success.";

        void setCompareValueValidator_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Template template = Template.CreateGridTemplate(1);

            CompareValueValidator compareValueValidator = new CompareValueValidator();
            //You should set the RequiredType first, then set other Properties.
            compareValueValidator.RequiredType = typeof(int);
            compareValueValidator.ComparedValue = 10;
            compareValueValidator.DifferenceValue = 0;
            compareValueValidator.ComparedOperator = ValidateComparisonOperator.GreaterThan;
            SoundNotify soundNotify = new SoundNotify();
            soundNotify.SoundType = SystemSoundType.Asterisk;
            //When cancel the whole Row editing, the old value will be restored.
            soundNotify.DoActionReason = ValidateReasons.CancelRow;


            //When do the SoundNotify action, this value 9 will be validated.
            template.Row.Cells[0].Value = 9;

            this.gcMultiRow1.Template = template;
            label.Text = "The CompareValueValidator.ComparedValue is 10, DifferenceValue is 0, ComparedOperator is GreaterThan, input some value to Cell, press ENTER to commit value(not validate), then press ESC to trigger validation(DoActionReason is CancelRow), the old value 9 is restored and validated, validation failed, one Sound will be played";

        void setMyRequiredFieldValidator_Click(object sender,EventArgs e)
            Template template = Template.CreateGridTemplate(1);

            MyRequiredFieldValidator myValidator = new MyRequiredFieldValidator();
            MyIconNotifyAction myAction = new MyIconNotifyAction();
            myAction.DoActionReason = ValidateReasons.EndEdit;


            this.gcMultiRow1.Template = template;
            label.Text = "Use the customized MyRequiredFieldValidator and MyIconNotifyAction, input 'aaa', press ENTER key to commit value, one error icon will show and one system sound will also play, hover the error icon, the customized text will show.";

        class MyRequiredFieldValidator : RequiredFieldValidator
            protected override bool Validate(ValidateContext context)
                if (context.EditedFormattedValue != null)
                    string value = context.EditedFormattedValue.ToString();
                    if (value != "NULL")
                        context.ValidateInfo = "The input value is not NULL";
                        return false;
                        return true;

                return base.Validate(context);

        class MyIconNotifyAction : IconNotify
            protected override void DoAction(ValidateActionContext context)
                //When the error icon pop up, one system sound will play at the same time.
                if (!context.IsValid)

        #region Initialize Buttons

        private void InitButton()
            AddButton(setRangeValidator, "Click to add one RangeValidator", new EventHandler(setRangeValidator_Click));
            AddButton(setRequiredTypeValidator, "Click to add one RequiredTypeValidator", new EventHandler(setRequiredTypeValidator_Click));
            AddButton(setIncludeListValidator, "Click to add one IncludeListValidator", new EventHandler(setIncludeListValidator_Click));
            AddButton(setRegularExpressionValidator, "Click to add one RegularExpressionValidator", new EventHandler(setRegularExpressionValidator_Click));
            AddButton(setPairCharValidator, "Click to add one PairCharValidator", new EventHandler(setPairCharValidator_Click));
            AddButton(setCompareValueValidator, "Click to add one CompareValueValidator", new EventHandler(setCompareValueValidator_Click));
            AddButton(setMyRequiredFieldValidator, "Click to add one customized CellValidator", new EventHandler(setMyRequiredFieldValidator_Click));

        private void AddButton(Button button, string text, EventHandler eventHandler)
            button.Text = text;
            button.AutoSize = true;
            button.Click += eventHandler;

        Button setRangeValidator = new Button();
        Button setIncludeListValidator = new Button();
        Button setRequiredTypeValidator = new Button();
        Button setPairCharValidator = new Button();
        Button setRegularExpressionValidator = new Button();
        Button setCompareValueValidator = new Button();
        Button setMyRequiredFieldValidator = new Button();
        Label label = new Label();

        public static void Main()
            Application.Run(new CellValidatorDemo());
Imports System
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Drawing
Imports GrapeCity.Win.MultiRow

Class CellValidatorDemo
    Inherits Form
    Private gcMultiRow1 As New GcMultiRow()
    Private panel As New FlowLayoutPanel()

    Public Sub New()
        Me.Text = "CellValidator Demo"
        Me.Size = New Size(660, 300)

        ' Initial flow layout panel and add to form.
        Me.panel.Dock = DockStyle.Left
        Me.panel.Size = New Size(200, 200)
        Me.panel.FlowDirection = FlowDirection.TopDown
        Me.panel.WrapContents = False
        Me.panel.Padding = New Padding(5)
        Me.panel.AutoSize = True

        ' Add MultiRow to form
        Me.gcMultiRow1.Dock = DockStyle.Left
        Me.gcMultiRow1.Width = 400

        label.Height = 50
        label.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom
        label.BackColor = SystemColors.Info
        label.Text = "Please Click one button to add one CellValidator and set one CellValidateAction."


        Me.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen
    End Sub

    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
        gcMultiRow1.Template = Template.CreateGridTemplate(1)
        gcMultiRow1.RowCount = 5
    End Sub

#Region "Button Event Handlers"
    Private Sub setRangeValidator_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles setRangeValidator.Click
        Dim template As Template = template.CreateGridTemplate(1)

        'Create one RangeValidator to vaidate whether the committed value is between one range.
        Dim rangValidator As New RangeValidator()
        'You should set the RequiredType first, then set other Properties.
        rangValidator.RequiredType = GetType(Integer)
        rangValidator.MinValue = 5
        rangValidator.MaxValue = 10
        rangValidator.NullIsValid = False

        Dim lineNotifyAction As New LineNotify()
        'When you ends edit mode, the action will be done.(press Enter key commonly)
        lineNotifyAction.DoActionReason = ValidateReasons.EndEdit
        lineNotifyAction.LineColor = Color.Red



        Me.gcMultiRow1.Template = template
        label.Text = "The RangeValidator's MinValue is 5, MaxValue is 10, input 4(not between the range) in one Cell, press Enter key to trigger validation(DoActionReason is EndEdit), one red under line will be shown."
    End Sub

    Private Sub setRequiredTypeValidator_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles setRequiredTypeValidator.Click
        Dim template As Template = template.CreateGridTemplate(1)

        Dim requiredTypeValidator As New RequiredTypeValidator()
        requiredTypeValidator.RequiredType = GetType(Decimal)

        Dim tipNotify As New TipNotify()
        tipNotify.ToolTipIcon = ToolTipIcon.Warning
        tipNotify.ToolTipSpan = 6000
        tipNotify.ToolTipTitle = "Requird Type Error"
        tipNotify.ToolTipText = "The original value is not Decimal type"
        'When you escape edit mode, the acion will be done(press ESC key commonly)
        tipNotify.DoActionReason = ValidateReasons.CancelEdit

        'When cancel edit, this value will be validated.
        template.Row.Cells(0).Value = "I'm string type"

        Me.gcMultiRow1.Template = template
        label.Text = "The RequiredTypeValidator's RequiredType is decimal type,by default, the cell's value is 'I'm string type', if you enter edit mode and input any value, then press ESC to escape edit mode to trigger validation(DoActionReason is CancelEdit), the old default value will be validated, it is not a Decimal type value, so validation failed."
    End Sub

    Private Sub setIncludeListValidator_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles setIncludeListValidator.Click
        Dim template As Template = template.CreateGridTemplate(1)

        Dim includeListValidator As New IncludeListValidator()
        includeListValidator.Candidates = New String() {Nothing, "2", "3", "4", "5"}

        Dim iconNotify As New IconNotify()
        iconNotify.IconAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter
        iconNotify.IconTip = "The editing value is not within the specified candidate list!"
        'When CurrentCell move to another Cell, the action will be done.
        iconNotify.DoActionReason = ValidateReasons.CellValidating



        Me.gcMultiRow1.Template = template
        label.Text = "The IncludeListValidator.Candidates list is 'null,2,3,4,5', please input 1 in edit mode, then move CurrentCell to another Cell to trigger validation(DoActionReason is CellValidating), one error icon will pop up to notify you validation failed."
    End Sub

    Private Sub setRegularExpressionValidator_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles setRegularExpressionValidator.Click
        Dim template As Template = template.CreateGridTemplate(1)

        Dim regularExpressionValidator As New RegularExpressionValidator()
        'Define a regular expression for currency values.
        regularExpressionValidator.Expression = "^-?\d+(\.\d{2})?$"
        regularExpressionValidator.RegexOptions = System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.CultureInvariant

        Dim focusProcess As New FocusProcess()
        focusProcess.PreventFocusLeave = True
        'When CurrentCell move to another Row, the action will be done.
        focusProcess.DoActionReason = ValidateReasons.RowValidating



        Me.gcMultiRow1.Template = template
        label.Text = "The RegularExpressionValidator.Expression is '^-?\d+(\.\d{2})?$', which expresses one currency value, input '-!2.05', then move CurrentCell to another Row to trigger validation(DoActionReasion is RowValidating), You will find the focus cannot move out, input '-12.05',the focus can move to another Row."
    End Sub

    Private Sub setPairCharValidator_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles setPairCharValidator.Click
        Dim template As Template = template.CreateGridTemplate(1)

        Dim pairCharValidator As New PairCharValidator()
        pairCharValidator.PairChars.Add(New PairChar("("c, ")"c))

        Dim cellStyleNotify As New CellStyleNotify()
        cellStyleNotify.InvalidCellStyle.ForeColor = Color.Red
        cellStyleNotify.InvalidCellStyle.Font = New Font(DefaultFont, FontStyle.Bold)
        cellStyleNotify.DoActionReason = ValidateReasons.EditedFormattedValueChanged



        Me.gcMultiRow1.Template = template
        label.Text = "The PairCharValidator.PairChars is '( )', in edit mode, if you input '2*(3+4' to trigger validation, validation failed, the font will change, if input '2*(3+4)' to trigger validation, the validation success."
    End Sub

    Private Sub setCompareValueValidator_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles setCompareValueValidator.Click
        Dim template As Template = template.CreateGridTemplate(1)

        Dim compareValueValidator As New CompareValueValidator()
        'You should set the RequiredType first, then set other Properties.
        compareValueValidator.RequiredType = GetType(Integer)
        compareValueValidator.ComparedValue = 10
        compareValueValidator.DifferenceValue = 0
        compareValueValidator.ComparedOperator = ValidateComparisonOperator.GreaterThan

        Dim soundNotify As New SoundNotify()
        soundNotify.SoundType = SystemSoundType.Asterisk
        'When cancel the whole Row editing, the old value will be restored.
        soundNotify.DoActionReason = ValidateReasons.CancelRow


        'When do the SoundNotify action, this value 9 will be validated.
        template.Row.Cells(0).Value = 9

        Me.gcMultiRow1.Template = template
        label.Text = "The CompareValueValidator.ComparedValue is 10, DifferenceValue is 0, ComparedOperator is GreaterThan, input some value to Cell, press ENTER to commit value(not validate), then press ESC to trigger validation(DoActionReason is CancelRow), the old value 9 is restored and validated, validation failed, one Sound will be played"
    End Sub

    Private Sub setMyRequiredFieldValidator_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles setMyRequiredFieldValidator.Click
        Dim template As Template = template.CreateGridTemplate(1)

        Dim myValidator As New MyRequiredFieldValidator()
        Dim myAction As New MyIconNotifyAction()
        myAction.DoActionReason = ValidateReasons.EndEdit


        Me.gcMultiRow1.Template = template
        label.Text = "Use the customized MyRequiredFieldValidator and MyIconNotifyAction, input 'aaa', press ENTER key to commit value, one error icon will show and one system sound will also play, hover the error icon, the customized text will show."
    End Sub

    Private Class MyRequiredFieldValidator
        Inherits RequiredFieldValidator
        Protected Overloads Overrides Function Validate(ByVal context As ValidateContext) As Boolean
            If context.EditedFormattedValue <> Nothing Then
                Dim value As String = context.EditedFormattedValue.ToString()
                If value <> "NULL" Then
                    context.ValidateInfo = "The input value is not NULL"
                    Return False
                    Return True
                End If
            End If

            Return MyBase.Validate(context)
        End Function
    End Class

    Private Class MyIconNotifyAction
        Inherits IconNotify
        Protected Overloads Overrides Sub DoAction(ByVal context As ValidateActionContext)
            'When the error icon pop up, one system sound will play at the same time.
            If Not context.IsValid Then
            End If
        End Sub
    End Class
#End Region

#Region "Initialize Buttons"

    Private Sub InitButton()
        AddButton(setRangeValidator, "Click to add one RangeValidator")
        AddButton(setRequiredTypeValidator, "Click to add one RequiredTypeValidator")
        AddButton(setIncludeListValidator, "Click to add one IncludeListValidator")
        AddButton(setRegularExpressionValidator, "Click to add one RegularExpressionValidator")
        AddButton(setPairCharValidator, "Click to add one PairCharValidator")
        AddButton(setCompareValueValidator, "Click to add one CompareValueValidator")
        AddButton(setMyRequiredFieldValidator, "Click to add one customized CellValidator")
    End Sub

    Private Sub AddButton(ByVal button As Button, ByVal text As String)
        button.Text = text
        button.AutoSize = True
    End Sub

    Friend WithEvents setRangeValidator As New Button()
    Friend WithEvents setIncludeListValidator As New Button()
    Friend WithEvents setRequiredTypeValidator As New Button()
    Friend WithEvents setPairCharValidator As New Button()
    Friend WithEvents setRegularExpressionValidator As New Button()
    Friend WithEvents setCompareValueValidator As New Button()
    Friend WithEvents setMyRequiredFieldValidator As New Button()
    Private label As New Label()
#End Region

    <STAThreadAttribute()> _
    Public Shared Sub Main()
        Application.Run(New CellValidatorDemo())
    End Sub
End Class



CellValidator メンバ
GrapeCity.Win.MultiRow 名前空間
CellValidateAction クラス
DoActionReason プロパティ
ValidateContext クラス
ExcludeListValidator クラス
IncludeListValidator クラス
RequiredTypeValidator クラス
RequiredFieldValidator クラス
RangeValidator クラス
CompareValueValidator クラス
CompareCellValidator クラス
SurrogateCharValidator クラス
PairCharValidator クラス
RegularExpressionValidator クラス



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