PowerTools MultiRow for Windows Forms 8.0J
CompareValueBaseValidator クラス
メンバ  使用例 

指定した値と比較する値が特定の比較関係を満たすかどうかを検証できる特別なCellValidatorの基本実装を表します。このクラスは抽象 (Visual BasicではMustInherit)クラスなので、インスタンス化できません。
Public MustInherit Class CompareValueBaseValidator 
   Inherits CellValidator
   Implements INamedObject 
public abstract class CompareValueBaseValidator : CellValidator, INamedObject  
void setCompareValueValidator_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Template template = Template.CreateGridTemplate(1);

    CompareValueValidator compareValueValidator = new CompareValueValidator();
    //You should set the RequiredType first, then set other Properties.
    compareValueValidator.RequiredType = typeof(int);
    compareValueValidator.ComparedValue = 10;
    compareValueValidator.DifferenceValue = 0;
    compareValueValidator.ComparedOperator = ValidateComparisonOperator.GreaterThan;
    SoundNotify soundNotify = new SoundNotify();
    soundNotify.SoundType = SystemSoundType.Asterisk;
    //When cancel the whole Row editing, the old value will be restored.
    soundNotify.DoActionReason = ValidateReasons.CancelRow;


    //When do the SoundNotify action, this value 9 will be validated.
    template.Row.Cells[0].Value = 9;

    this.gcMultiRow1.Template = template;
    label.Text = "The CompareValueValidator.ComparedValue is 10, DifferenceValue is 0, ComparedOperator is GreaterThan, input some value to Cell, press ENTER to commit value(not validate), then press ESC to trigger validation(DoActionReason is CancelRow), the old value 9 is restored and validated, validation failed, one Sound will be played";
Private Sub setCompareValueValidator_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles setCompareValueValidator.Click
    Dim template As Template = template.CreateGridTemplate(1)

    Dim compareValueValidator As New CompareValueValidator()
    'You should set the RequiredType first, then set other Properties.
    compareValueValidator.RequiredType = GetType(Integer)
    compareValueValidator.ComparedValue = 10
    compareValueValidator.DifferenceValue = 0
    compareValueValidator.ComparedOperator = ValidateComparisonOperator.GreaterThan

    Dim soundNotify As New SoundNotify()
    soundNotify.SoundType = SystemSoundType.Asterisk
    'When cancel the whole Row editing, the old value will be restored.
    soundNotify.DoActionReason = ValidateReasons.CancelRow


    'When do the SoundNotify action, this value 9 will be validated.
    template.Row.Cells(0).Value = 9

    Me.gcMultiRow1.Template = template
    label.Text = "The CompareValueValidator.ComparedValue is 10, DifferenceValue is 0, ComparedOperator is GreaterThan, input some value to Cell, press ENTER to commit value(not validate), then press ESC to trigger validation(DoActionReason is CancelRow), the old value 9 is restored and validated, validation failed, one Sound will be played"
End Sub



CompareValueBaseValidator メンバ
GrapeCity.Win.MultiRow 名前空間
CellValidator クラス
CompareValueValidator クラス
CompareCellValidator クラス



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