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ActualRightToLeft プロパティ (C1Report)

C1.C1Report.4 アセンブリ > C1.C1Report 名前空間 > C1Report クラス : ActualRightToLeft プロパティ
Gets the actual right-to-left value that is being used. The value is obtained using the following rules:
  1. If RightToLeft is not null, then that value is used.
  2. If the current report is a sub-report, then ActualRightToLeft of the owner subreport field is used.
  3. Else the value of C1FlexReport.DefaultRightToLeft static property is used.
Public ReadOnly Property ActualRightToLeft As System.Boolean
public System.bool ActualRightToLeft {get;}

C1Report クラス
C1Report メンバ