PowerTools MultiRow for Windows Forms 8.0J
SplitOffice2007Style プロパティ

分割線で使用されるOffice 2007配色パターンを示す値を取得または設定します。
Public Property SplitOffice2007Style As Office2007Style
public Office2007Style SplitOffice2007Style {get; set;}


分割線で使用されるOffice 2007配色パターンを示すOffice2007Style値。既定値はOffice2007Style.Noneです。これはOffice 2007配色パターンを使用しないことを意味します。
このプロパティを使用すると、分割線にOffice 2007のスタイルを設定できます。この他にも、一部のUI要素に対してOffice2007Styleを設定することが可能です(HeaderCellHeaderCell.Office2007Style、GcMultiRowのScrollBarOffice2007Styleなど)。
void setSilverStyle_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Template template1 = this.gcMultiRow1.Template;
    //Set ScrollBar to Office 2007 style.
    this.gcMultiRow1.ScrollBarOffice2007Style = Office2007Style.Silver;
    //Set Split line to Office 2007 style.
    this.gcMultiRow1.SplitOffice2007Style = Office2007Style.Silver;
    //Set All HeaderCell's border to Office 2007 Style. you can chang the border to any style.
    CellStyle borderStyle = new CellStyle();
    borderStyle.Border = new Border(LineStyle.Thin, Color.FromArgb(255, 148, 146, 148));
    this.gcMultiRow1.ColumnHeadersDefaultHeaderCellStyle = borderStyle;
    this.gcMultiRow1.RowsDefaultHeaderCellStyle = borderStyle;

    //Set all HeaderCell to Office2007Style.
    foreach (Cell cell1 in template1.ColumnHeaders[0].Cells)
        HeaderCell headerCell1 = cell1 as HeaderCell;
        if (headerCell1 != null)
            headerCell1.Office2007Style = Office2007Style.Silver;
    HeaderCell rowHeaderCell1 = template1.Row.Cells[template1.Row.Cells.Count - 1] as HeaderCell;
    if (rowHeaderCell1 != null)
        rowHeaderCell1.Office2007Style = Office2007Style.Silver;

    this.gcMultiRow1.Template = template1;
Private Sub setSilverStyle_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles setSilverStyle.Click
    Dim template1 As Template = Me.gcMultiRow1.Template
    'Set ScrollBar to Office 2007 style.
    Me.gcMultiRow1.ScrollBarOffice2007Style = Office2007Style.Silver
    'Set Split line to Office 2007 style.
    Me.gcMultiRow1.SplitOffice2007Style = Office2007Style.Silver
    'Set All HeaderCell's border to Office 2007 Style. you can chang the border to any style.
    Dim borderStyle As New CellStyle()
    borderStyle.Border = New Border(LineStyle.Thin, Color.FromArgb(255, 148, 146, 148))
    Me.gcMultiRow1.ColumnHeadersDefaultHeaderCellStyle = borderStyle
    Me.gcMultiRow1.RowsDefaultHeaderCellStyle = borderStyle

    'Set all HeaderCell to Office2007Style.
    For Each cell1 As Cell In template1.ColumnHeaders(0).Cells
        Dim headerCell1 As HeaderCell = TryCast(cell1, HeaderCell)
        If Not headerCell1 Is Nothing Then
            headerCell1.Office2007Style = Office2007Style.Silver
        End If
    Dim rowHeaderCell1 As HeaderCell = TryCast(template1.Row.Cells(template1.Row.Cells.Count - 1), HeaderCell)
    If Not rowHeaderCell1 Is Nothing Then
        rowHeaderCell1.Office2007Style = Office2007Style.Silver
    End If

    Me.gcMultiRow1.Template = template1
End Sub

GcMultiRow クラス
GcMultiRow メンバ
ScrollBarOffice2007Style プロパティ



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