/* General Utility Functions */ var ELEMENT_NODE = 1; function getPhrase(name) { var span = document.getElementById("phrase_" + name); if (span) { return span.innerHTML; } } function getClientSize() { var height=0; var width=0; var doc=document; var win=window; if(doc.compatMode == 'CSS1Compat' && !win.opera && doc.documentElement && doc.documentElement.clientHeight) { height = doc.documentElement.clientHeight; width = doc.documentElement.clientWidth; } else if(doc.body && doc.body.clientHeight) { height = doc.body.clientHeight; width = doc.body.clientWidth; } else if(isDefined(win.innerHeight,win.innerWidth,doc.width)) { height = win.innerHeight; width = win.innerWidth; } if(doc.width > win.innerWidth) { width = width - 16; height = height - 16; } return {width:width,height:height}; } function isDefined() { for(var x=0;x 0 ) // is Microsoft Internet Explorer; return version number { return parseInt ( ua.substring ( msie+5, ua.indexOf ( ".", msie ) ) ); } else { return 0; // is other browser } } /* Returns true if the passed element is currently in view */ function InView(element,margin) { if(!margin) margin=0; var Top=GetTop(element), ScrollTop=GetScrollTop(); return !(TopScrollTop+GetWindowHeight()-element.offsetHeight-margin); } /* Scrolls to ensure the passed element is currently in view */ function ScrollIntoView(element,bAlignTop,margin) { if(!margin) margin=0; var posY=GetTop(element); if(bAlignTop) posY-=margin; else posY+=element.offsetHeight+margin-GetWindowHeight(); window.scrollTo(0, posY); } function GetWindowHeight() { return window.innerHeight|| document.documentElement&&document.documentElement.clientHeight|| document.body.clientHeight||0; } function GetScrollTop() { return window.pageYOffset|| document.documentElement&&document.documentElement.scrollTop|| document.body.scrollTop||0; } function GetTop(element) { var pos=0; do pos+=element.offsetTop while(element=element.offsetParent); return pos; } function findParentTagByName(e,tagName) { if (!e) return; else if (e.tagName === tagName) return e; else return findParentTagByName(e.parent,tagName); } /* End: General Utility Functions */ /* End: Frame helpers */ function findFrame(Name) { var frameObject = parent.frames[Name]; if((!frameObject) && parent.parent) { frameObject = parent.parent.frames[Name]; } return frameObject; } function contentFrame() { return findFrame("webcontent"); } function navbarFrame() { return findFrame("webnavbar"); } function frameContainer() { try { var frameLocation = parent.location.href; if (frameLocation.indexOf('webframe.') != -1) return parent; else if(parent.parent) return parent.parent; } catch (e) { return parent; } } function contentDocument() { return findFrame("webcontent").document; } /* End: Frame helpers */ /* Common Messaging Support */ function isPostMessageEnabled() { return (window['postMessage'] != null); } function addMessageListener(receiver) { if (isPostMessageEnabled()) { if (window['addEventListener']) { window.addEventListener("message", receiver, false); } else { window.attachEvent("onmessage", receiver); } } } function Message(messageType,messageData) { this.messageType = messageType; this.messageData = messageData; } function getMessage(data) { var separator = data.indexOf("|"); var messageType; var messageData; if (separator != -1) { messageType = data.substring(0, separator); messageData = data.substring(separator + 1); } else { messageType = data; messageData = ""; } return new Message(messageType,messageData); } /* Common Messaging Support */ /* Feature Flags */ var isDefaultTreeEnabled = true; var isDefaultLayoutEnabled = true; /* IFrame resize */ var isIframeResizeTimerDisabled = false; function resizeIframes(ignoreOffScreen) { var maxHeight = 0; var minAllowedHeight = 0; try { minAllowedHeight = $(window.top).height(); } catch (ex) { minAllowedHeight = $(window).height(); } $('iframe').each(function () { if ($(this).is(":visible") && (ignoreOffScreen || $(this).offset().left >= 0)) { // Only resize if visible var currentHeight = 0; var doc = null try { doc = this.contentDocument ? this.contentDocument : (this.contentWindow.document || this.document); } catch (ex) { // Security may prevent access if frame hasn't loaded or is cross origin } var currentHeight = 0; if (doc) { currentHeight = $(doc).height(); } else { currentHeight = minAllowedHeight; } var lastHeight = $(this).data('lastHeight'); if (!lastHeight) lastHeight = 0; var heightDifference = currentHeight - lastHeight; if (heightDifference > 10 || (heightDifference < 0 && heightDifference < 10)) { var parent = $(this).parent(); if (parent.get(0).tagName == "DIV" && currentHeight < parent.height()) { // Resize to at least the containing DIV height currentHeight = parent.height(); } if (currentHeight < minAllowedHeight) { // Make sure at least as high as the window currentHeight = minAllowedHeight; } $(this).height((currentHeight) + "px"); $(this).data('lastHeight', currentHeight); } } else if (!$(this).is(":visible")) { // Not visible, collapse to zero $(this).height(0); $(this).data('lastHeight', 0); } if (currentHeight > maxHeight) { // Record the maximum iframe height maxHeight = currentHeight; } }); var busy = $("#busy"); if (busy.get(0)) { busy.height(maxHeight); } return maxHeight; }