Bitmap for WPF
OpenSharedResource1 メソッド

C1.WPF.DX.4.5.2 アセンブリ > C1.Util.DX.Direct3D11 名前空間 > Device1 クラス : OpenSharedResource1 メソッド
Gives a device access to a shared resource that is referenced by name and that was created on a different device. You must have previously created the resource as shared and specified that it uses NT handles (that is, you set the ResourceMiscFlags.SharedNthandleflag).
Gives a device access to a shared resource that is referenced by name and that was created on a different device. You must have previously created the resource as shared and specified that it uses NT handles (that is, you set the ResourceMiscFlags.SharedNthandleflag).  
Gives a device access to a shared resource that is referenced by name and that was created on a different device. You must have previously created the resource as shared and specified that it uses NT handles (that is, you set the ResourceMiscFlags.SharedNthandleflag).  
HRESULT ID3D11Device1::OpenSharedResource1([In] void* hResource,[In] const GUID& returnedInterface,[Out] void** ppResource)  

Device1 クラス
Device1 メンバ