Sparklines for WinForms
Sparklineの操作 > Sparklineの種類

The Sparkline control supports three different sparkline types, namely Line, Column and Winloss, for visualizing data in different context. For example, Line charts are suitable to visualize continuous data, while Column sparklines are used in scenarios where data comparison is involved. Similarly, a Win-Loss sparkline is best used to visualize a true-false (that is, win-loss) scenario.

The different sparkline types are explained in greater detail below:

The C1Sparkline class provides SparklineType property to set the sparkline type in designer or code. The SparklineType property accepts the following values from the SparklineType enumeration:

  1. Line - Allows you to draw the line sparkline.
  2. Column - Allows you to draw the column sparkline.
  3. WinLoss - Allows you to draw the winloss sparkline.

The code example below shows how you can set the SparklineType property to a specific sparkline type.

//Setting the Sparkline type
sparkline.SparklineType = SparklineType.Column;