Scheduler for WinForms
WeekOfMonthEnum 列挙体

C1.ScheduleCore アセンブリ > C1.Schedule 名前空間 : WeekOfMonthEnum 列挙体
Determines the week in a month in which the appointment will occur.
Public Enum WeekOfMonthEnum 
   Inherits System.Enum
public enum WeekOfMonthEnum : System.Enum 
FirstThe recurring appointment will occur on the specified day or days of the first week in the month.
FourthThe recurring appointment will occur on the specified day or days of the fourth week in the month.
LastThe recurring appointment will occur on the specified day or days of the last week in the month.
SecondThe recurring appointment will occur on the specified day or days of the second week in the month.
ThirdThe recurring appointment will occur on the specified day or days of the third week in the month.



C1.Schedule 名前空間