Ribbon for WinForms
リボンの使用 > ツールチップ

A Tooltip is a pop-up window with string that appears when you hold a cursor over an item in an application. The information in the window is usually a very brief description about the item's purpose.

Every element in the C1Ribbon control has a ToolTip property, be it Ribbon Tab, Group, Group Items, QAT or Configuration Toolbar. The ribbon application below shows a tooltip on a ColorPicker when the cursor rests on it.

Tooltips can be added via the Text Menu of the floating toolbar of ribbon items.

The tooltip for an item can also be added via the Properties window.

A user can also add a tooltip to a Ribbon Item programmatically using the TooTip property of the RibbonItem class.

    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        fontComboBox.ToolTip = "Pick a new font for your text"
        boldButton.ToolTip = "<p><b>Bold (Ctrl + B)<b><p>" & "<p>Make your text Bold.</p> "
        italicButton.ToolTip = "<p><b>Italic (Ctrl + I)<b><p>" & "<p>Italicize your text.</p> "
        underlineButton.ToolTip = "<p><b>Underline (Ctrl + U)<b><p>" & "<p>Underline your text.</p>"
        colorPicker.ToolTip = "<table><tr><td><img src = 'fontcolor1.png'></td><td><b> Font Color </b></td></tr></table>" 
& "<hr noshade size = 1 style = 'margin:2' color =#bebebe><div style = 'margin:1 12'>Change the color of your text</div>" 
& "<hr noshade size = 1 style = 'margin:2' color =#bebebe><table><tr><td><img src = 'help1.png'></td>" & "<td><b> Press F1 
for more help.</b></td></tr></table>"
    End Sub
// FontComboBoxに対してツールチップを追加します
fontComboBox.ToolTip = "Pick a new font for your text";

// HTMLを使用して太字、斜体、下線ボタンに対してリッチなツールチップを追加します
boldToggleButton.ToolTip = "<p><b>Bold (Ctrl + B)<b><p>" +
    "<p>Make your text Bold.</p> ";        
italicToggleButton.ToolTip = "<p><b>Italic (Ctrl + I)<b><p>" +
    "<p>Italicize your text.</p> ";                        
underlineToggleButton.ToolTip = "<p><b>Underline (Ctrl + U)<b><p>" +
    "<p>Underline your text.</p>";

// HTMLコードを使用してカラーピッカーに対してリッチなツールチップを追加します
// (ツールチップエディターの[Office]タブで生成します)
colorPicker.ToolTip = "<table><tr><td><img src = 'fontcolor1.png'></td><td><b> Font Color </b></td></tr></table>" +
    "<hr noshade size = 1 style = 'margin:2' color =#bebebe><div style = 'margin:1 12'>Change the color of your text</div>" +
    "<hr noshade size = 1 style = 'margin:2' color =#bebebe><table><tr><td><img src = 'help1.png'></td>" +
    "<td><b> Press F1 for more help.</b></td></tr></table>";