FlexPivot for WinForms
ShowSelectionStatus プロパティ (C1FlexPivotPage)

C1.Win.FlexPivot.4.5.2 アセンブリ > C1.Win.FlexPivot 名前空間 > C1FlexPivotPage クラス : ShowSelectionStatus プロパティ
Gets or sets a value that determines whether the control should automatically set the content of the LabelSelection to show the sum of the selected cells when the user makes selections on the grids.
Public Property ShowSelectionStatus As System.Boolean
public System.bool ShowSelectionStatus {get; set;}
If you want to customize the selection messages, set this property to false and set the text on the LabelStatus to the custom messages you want to show.

C1FlexPivotPage クラス
C1FlexPivotPage メンバ