FlexPivot for WinForms
GroupFormats プロパティ

C1.Win.FlexChart.4.5.2 アセンブリ > C1.Chart 名前空間 > DateTimeGroupProvider クラス : GroupFormats プロパティ
Get a dictionary of formats keyed by the TimeUnits enum of each group. Each value specifies the string.Format() of the numeric value followed by the year, with the exception of TimeUnits.Month for which the format specifies either all "M" characters (for the month name) or the numeric value of the month and year. Note if {1} is not included in the format, the year is not included. Default formats are Day="{0}", Week="Week {0}, Month="MMM", Quarter="Q{0}", "Year="{0}".
Public ReadOnly Property GroupFormats As System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary(Of TimeUnits,String)
public System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<TimeUnits,string> GroupFormats {get;}

DateTimeGroupProvider クラス
DateTimeGroupProvider メンバ