Excel for .NET

Create, open and modify Excel files from your .NET code with ComponentOne Excel for .NET. Excel lets you create or load XLS files which can easily be exported to Microsoft Excel files. Not just this, it provides various features which can come in handy while interacting with the workbooks such as cell comments, images, and so on. In addition to interacting with the content in the workbook, you can also perform formatting, grouping, and much more.

The main component in Excel for .NET is the C1XLBook object, which represents an Excel workbook containing one or more sheets. You can use the C1XLBook to load existing Excel files or create new ones. Then add sheets, styles, hyperlinks, images, headers and footers, page breaks and more. When you are done, save the C1XLBook to a file or a Stream. Anyone with a copy of Excel can access your data. Its that easy!

Release Notes

Product Samples

See the version-wise updates for all controls here. Product samples are located at \Documents\ComponentOne Samples\WinForms\vx.x.x\C1Excel\CS on your system, if you have installed the samples while installing WinForms Edition using ComponentOneControlPanel.exe.
Documentation Blogs

Create your First Application with Excel

Work with Documents


Work with Cells

Implementing Styles and Cell Merging in C1Excel

Implementing Subtotals, Loading particular sheet in C1Excel

C1Excel - FileFormat 101


Demo Samples

How to Download and Install ComponentOne

WinForms and WPF Demo