GridView for ASP.NET Web Forms
options タイプ
jQuery.wijmo.c1gridview 名前空間 : options タイプ


public オプション  
public オプションA value indicating whether columns can be moved.  
public オプションDetermines whether the column width can be increased and decreased by dragging the sizing handle, or the edge of the column header, with the mouse.  
public オプション  
public オプションDetermines whether the user can make changes to cell contents in the grid. This option is obsolete. Use the editingMode option instead.  
public オプションDetermines whether the user can move the current cell using the arrow keys.  
public オプションDetermines whether the grid should display paging buttons. The number of rows on a page is determined by the pageSize option.  
public オプションDetermines whether the widget can be sorted by clicking the column header.  
public オプションA value that indicates whether virtual scrolling is allowed. Set allowVirtualScrolling to true when using large amounts of data to improve efficiency. Obsoleted, set the scrollingSettings.virtualization.mode property to "rows" instead.  
public オプション  
public オプション  
public オプション  
public オプション  
public オプションA value that indicates calendar's options in grid. It works for calendar in inputdate.  
public オプション  
public オプション  
public オプションAn array of column options.  
public オプションDetermines behavior for column autogeneration. Possible values are: "none", "append", "merge".  
public オプション  
public オプションDetermines the culture ID.  
public オプションA value that indicators the culture calendar to format the text. This option must work with culture option.  
public オプションAn array of custom user filters. Use this option if you want to extend the default set of filter operators with your own. Custom filters will be shown in the filter dropdown.  
public オプションDetermines the datasource. Possible datasources include: 1. A DOM table. This is the default datasource, used if the data option is null. Table must have no cells with rowSpan and colSpan attributes. 2. A two-dimensional array, such as [[0, "a"], [1, "b"]]. 3. An array of objects, such as [{field0: 0, field1: "a"}, {field0: 1, field1: "b'}]. 4. A wijdatasource. 5. A wijdataview.  
public オプション  
public オプションDetermines an action to bring a cell in the editing mode when the editingMode option is set to "cell". Possible values are: "click", "doubleClick", "auto".  
public オプションDetermines the editing mode. Possible values are: "none", "row", "cell",  
public オプションDetermines if the exact column width, in pixels, is used.  
public オプションDetermines the order of items in the filter drop-down list. Possible values are: "none", "alphabetical", "alphabeticalCustomFirst" and "alphabeticalEmbeddedFirst"  
public オプション  
public オプションDetermines the caption of the group area.  
public オプションDetermines the indentation of the groups, in pixels.  
public オプションDetermines whether the position of the current cell is highlighted or not.  
public オプションDetermines whether hovered row is highlighted or not.  
public オプション  
public オプション  
public オプションDetermines the action to be performed when the user presses the TAB key.  
public オプションDetermines the text to be displayed when the grid is loading.  
public オプションCell values equal to this property value are considered null values. Use this option if you want to change default representation of null values (empty strings) with something else.  
public オプションDetermines the zero-based index of the current page. You can use this to access a specific page, for example, when using the paging feature.  
public オプションDetermines the pager settings for the grid including the mode (page buttons or next/previous buttons), number of page buttons, and position where the buttons appear.  
public オプションNumber of rows to place on a single page. The default value is 10.  
public オプションA value indicating whether DOM cell attributes can be passed within a data value.  
public オプションDetermines the scrolling settings.  
public オプション  
public オプションDetermines which cells, range of cells, columns, or rows can be selected at one time. Possible values are: "none", "singleCell", "singleColumn", "singleRow", "singleRange", "multiColumn", "multiRow" and "multiRange".  
public オプションA value indicating whether the filter row is visible. Filter row is used to display column filtering interface.  
public オプションA value indicating whether the footer row is visible. Footer row is used for displaying of tfoot section of original table, and to show totals.  
public オプションA value indicating whether group area is visible. Group area is used to display headers of groupped columns. User can drag columns from/to group area by dragging column headers with mouse, if allowColMoving option is on.  
public オプション  
public オプションA value indicating whether the row header is visible.  
public オプションA value indicating whether a selection will be automatically displayed at the current cell position when the wijgrid is rendered. Set this option to false if you want to prevent wijgrid from selecting the currentCell automatically.  
public オプションGets or sets the virtual number of items in the wijgrid and enables custom paging. Setting option to a positive value activates custom paging, the number of displayed rows and the total number of pages will be determined by the totalRows and pageSize values.  
public オプション  
public オプション  
public イベントThe afterCellEdit event handler is a function called after cell editing is completed. This function can assist you in completing many tasks, such as in making changes once editing is completed; in tracking changes in cells, columns, or rows; or in integrating custom editing functions on the front end.  
public イベントThe afterCellUpdate event handler is a function that is called after a cell has been updated. Among other functions, this event allows you to track and store the indices of changed rows or columns.  
public イベント  
public イベント  
public イベントThe cellClicked event handler is a function that is called when a cell is clicked. You can use this event to get the information of a clicked cell using the args parameter.  
public イベントThe columnDragged event handler is a function that is called when column dragging has been started. You can use this event to find the column being dragged or the dragged column's location.  
public イベントThe columnDragging event handler is a function that is called when column dragging has been started, but before the wijgrid handles the operation. This event is cancellable.  
public イベントThe columnDropped event handler is a function that is called when a column has been dropped into the columns area.  
public イベント  
public イベントThe columnGrouped event handler is a function that is called when a column has been dropped into the group area.  
public イベントThe columnGrouping event handler is a function that is called when a column is dropped into the group area, but before the wijgrid handles the operation. This event is cancellable.  
public イベントThe columnResized event handler is called when a user has changed a column's size.  
public イベント  
public イベントThe columnUngrouped event handler is called when a column has been removed from the group area.  
public イベントThe columnUngrouping event handler is called when a column has been removed from the group area but before the wjgrid handles the operation. This event is cancellable.  
public イベントThe currentCellChanged event handler is called after the current cell is changed.  
public イベントThe currentCellChanging event handler is called before the cell is changed. You can use this event to get a selected row or column or to get a data row bound to the current cell. This event is cancellable.  
public イベントThe dataLoaded event handler is a function that is called when data is loaded.  
public イベントThe dataLoading event handler is a function that is called when the wijgrid loads a portion of data from the underlying datasource. This can be used for modification of data sent to server if using dynamic remote wijdatasource.  
public イベントThe detailCreating event handler is called when wijgrid requires to create a new detail wijgrid.  
public イベントThe filtered event handler is a function that is called after the wijgrid is filtered.  
public イベント  
public イベントThe filterOperatorsListShowing event handler is a function that is called before the filter drop-down list is shown. You can use this event to customize the list of filter operators for your users.  
public イベント  
public イベントThe groupText event handler is a function that is called when groups are being created and the groupInfo option has the groupInfo.headerText or the groupInfo.footerText options set to "custom". This event can be used to customize group headers and group footers.  
public イベントThe invalidCellValue event handler is a function called when a cell needs to start updating but the cell value is invalid. So if the value in a wijgrid cell can't be converted to the column target type, the invalidCellValue event will fire.  
public イベントThe loaded event handler is a function that is called at the end the wijgrid's lifecycle when wijgrid is filled with data and rendered. You can use this event to manipulate the grid html content or to finish a custom load indication.  
public イベントThe loading event handler is a function that is called at the beginning of the wijgrid's lifecycle. You can use this event to activate a custom load progress indicator.  
public イベントThe pageIndexChanged event handler is a function that is called after the page index is changed, such as when you use the numeric buttons to swtich between pages or assign a new value to the pageIndex option.  
public イベントThe pageIndexChanging event handler is a function that is called before the page index is changed. This event is cancellable.  
public イベントThe rendered event handler is a function that is called when the wijgrid is rendered. Normally you do not need to use this event.  
public イベントThe rendering event handler is a function that is called when the wijgrid is about to render. Normally you do not need to use this event.  
public イベントThe selectionChanged event handler is a function that is called after the selection is changed.  
public イベントThe sorted event handler is a function that is called after the widget is sorted. The allowSorting option must be set to "true" to allow this event to fire.  
public イベントThe sorting event handler is a function that is called before the sorting operation is started. This event is cancellable. The allowSorting option must be set to "true" for this event to fire.  


jQuery.wijmo.c1gridview 名前空間