PowerTools InputMan for Windows Forms 8.0J
DropDownMaxHeight プロパティ (GcComboBox)

Public Property DropDownMaxHeight As Integer
public int DropDownMaxHeight {get; set;}


高さを表すInt32値。 既定値は150です。
ドロップダウンリストの外観を設定した GcComboBox コントロールを作成するコード例を次に示します。この例では他に DropDown と DropDownMaxHeight プロパティを使用しています。
//  Please use the following namespace
//  using System.Windows.Forms;
//  using GrapeCity.Win.Editors;

public void SetDropDownSettings()
    // Creates an instance of a GcComboBox control.
    GcComboBox gcComboBox1 = new GcComboBox();

    // Sets the AllowResize to true, you can change the size of drop-dwon window by drag the mouse.
    gcComboBox1.DropDown.AllowResize = true;
    // Sets the ClosingAnimation to Fade, the drop-down window will displayed as a fade effect when it's closing.
    gcComboBox1.DropDown.ClosingAnimation = DropDownAnimation.Fade;
    // Sets the OpeningAnimation to Fade, the drop-down window will displayed as a fade effect when it's opening.
    gcComboBox1.DropDown.OpeningAnimation = DropDownAnimation.Fade;
    // Sets the Dirction to AboveLeft, the drop-down window will displayed above the control and align to left.
    gcComboBox1.DropDown.Direction = DropDownDirection.AboveLeft;
    // Sets the ShowShadow to true, the drop-down window will displayed with a shadow.
    gcComboBox1.DropDown.ShowShadow = true;

    // Sets the DropDownMaxHeight to 100. So that the drop-down window height is 100 pixel if the Size of 
    // the drop-down window isn't modified by user.
    gcComboBox1.DropDownMaxHeight = 100;
'  Please use the following namespace
'  Imports System.Windows.Forms;
'  Imports GrapeCity.Win.Editors;

Public Sub SetDropDownSettings()
    ' Creates an instance of a GcComboBox control.
    Dim gcComboBox1 As New GcComboBox()

    ' Sets the AllowResize to true, you can change the size of drop-dwon window by drag the mouse.
    gcComboBox1.DropDown.AllowResize = True
    ' Sets the ClosingAnimation to Fade, the drop-down window will displayed as a fade effect when it's closing.
    gcComboBox1.DropDown.ClosingAnimation = DropDownAnimation.Fade
    ' Sets the OpeningAnimation to Fade, the drop-down window will displayed as a fade effect when it's opening.
    gcComboBox1.DropDown.OpeningAnimation = DropDownAnimation.Fade
    ' Sets the Dirction to AboveLeft, the drop-down window will displayed above the control and align to left.
    gcComboBox1.DropDown.Direction = DropDownDirection.AboveLeft
    ' Sets the ShowShadow to true, the drop-down window will displayed with a shadow.
    gcComboBox1.DropDown.ShowShadow = True

    ' Sets the DropDownMaxHeight to 100. So that the drop-down window height is 100 pixel if the Size of 
    ' the drop-down window isn't modified by user.
    gcComboBox1.DropDownMaxHeight = 100
End Sub

GcComboBox クラス
GcComboBox メンバ
DropDown プロパティ



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